Saturday, November 11, 2006

Essay Overload

What a crazy past 2 weeks! With all of the sudden inflow of work, tentatively now I have 12 essays left to go, it's actually quite funny if you think about it. Supervisors are getting more and more bold by incorporating many parts in the questions they set now. By this I mean that I have one particular supervisor, who set us 2 questions, with each question have FOUR totally unrelated subparts to it, hence making up the 8 out of my 12 essays left..... Mannnn, but I guess it's good for me in a way, and my course this year is more interesting, which makes it slightly more bearable :)

Have not been cooking much these days, yet I have been brainstorming on new things to try out. Too heavy focus on normal/familiar cuisines, and its time to step out of comfort zone!!! Looking to try out things that I haven't made before, just to spice things up a little bit. Aiming to cook more once this tsunami of essays end, which probably leads us to the Christmas holidays ...

Booked my Christmas holiday to Italy too!!! (finally!) Hence should expect some squid ink pasta post in December!

Anyways, back to work, its gonna be a geeky weekend :P

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